La Lagune has been released at €35.40 ex-negociant, a 9.2% increase on the 2015 release price of €32.40. It is being offered by UK merchants for £420 per 12×75, up 21.7% on the 2015 release of £345.
Reviews of La Lagune 2016 were positive. Jancis Robinson awarded the wine 17- points and said it was “very full and supple”. Neal Martin, on the other hand, called it “an excellent La Lagune, one of the best in recent years” and awarded it 93-95 points.
Based on today’s release of £420 per 12×75, Liv-ex’s ‘fair value’ methodology places the 2016 below the trend line. However, it is worth noting that the correlation for Lagune is only 67%. Buyers looking for value might consider the equally scored 2010. It is from an acclaimed vintage, has several years bottle age and is available at just an 8% premium.
The 2014, available at a 30% discount on the 2016, might also be considered.
You can keep up with other critic scores as they are released on the Liv-ex Insights critic scores page.
Liv-ex members can see ongoing real time prices for Lagune and back vintages on Market View.
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