March 1, 2016
Liv-ex 100 gains 1.2% in February
In February the Liv-ex 100 Index saw its biggest increase in over a year, gaining 1.2% to close on 243.7….
March 1, 2016
In February the Liv-ex 100 Index saw its biggest increase in over a year, gaining 1.2% to close on 243.7….
December 31, 2015
2015 was a relatively flat year for the Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 – which tracks the price movements of the…
September 4, 2015
The Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 ran flat this week after gaining 0.2% last month. However, Bordeaux’s trade share showed signs…
June 2, 2015
梦玫瑰Montrose 成为今年最后一个发布的主要酒庄,每瓶的前酒商发行价为88.8欧元,比2013 和2012年份(57.6欧元)同时涨价54.2%; 这价格水平大大高于许多国际交易商的预期:在Liv-ex会员期酒调查中的平均预测为每瓶62.7欧元。 酒商售价为每箱(12×75 )850英镑,使2014年份在市场上成为第四个最昂贵的年份:价格只低于2005、2009和2010年份。多个旧年份看来更物有所值,尤其是拥有95分的2008年份,在二级市场上的每箱(12×75 )售价只是525英镑。 Neal Martin评道:“我敢说,此佳酿与2009和2010年份之绝顶不相上下。这出色的梦玫瑰是此年份中最佳的左岸葡萄酒之一。” 从价格来看,酒庄似乎同意。 对于今年的关键价格、分数和酒商意见的摘要,请访问Liv-ex 的期酒网页。
April 28, 2015
La Lagune is the latest Chateau to release after a flurry of releases earlier today. It is being offered at…
February 6, 2015
The Cellar Watch February Market Report has been released. Containing all the latest Liv-ex research and analysis, this month's issue includes: First…
October 15, 2014
Liv-ex has once again opened up the blog to Bordeaux grower, winemaker and writer Gavin Quinney (@GavinQuinney). In his final…
October 3, 2014
Last week we wondered whether it would be too much to ask for the Liv-ex 100 to rise for a…
October 2, 2014
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September 23, 2014
上面的图表追踪了Liv-ex 100指数中的每箱(12×75) 葡萄酒的出让和投标平均价格,并与Liv-ex 100指数的表现进行比较。 Liv-ex 100指数是按月采用中间价格计算:最高买入价格和最低卖出价格之间的中间点。如表所示,投标价格于今年年初一直持稳, 而平均出让价格至五月中旬則下跌了10%。换句话说,指数的下跌是由于卖家压低出让价格以图逃离市场所致。 直到五月中旬,这一切都出现了改变。随着波尔多2013期酒活动失败地落幕,似乎令买家放弃了所有的希望。在接下来的三个月内的平均中标价格下跌了20%,促使Liv-ex 100指数下跌5.1%。然而, 出让价格在过去几周已开始回升,令Liv-ex 100指数在17个月以来首次出现上升。上图表明,卖家的工作已完成: 他们不愿意在这个价格水平下再作出任何出售。因此, 市场今年年底是否能以升势告终, 似乎很大程度上取决于买家的下一步行动。