February 2, 2023
Case Study: How to save time on wine valuations

July 20, 2022
Wine-Searcher works with Liv-ex to make it easier for industry users by including LWIN codes

July 13, 2022
LWIN Community Update – July 2022

December 2, 2021
How can the wine trade overcome supply chain issues?

Supply chain turbulence It is now almost a year on from Brexit and almost two since the first reported case…
October 27, 2021
More wines trade on the secondary market than ever before

More wines than ever are trading on the secondary market, highlighting the broadening scope of what constitutes a fine wine. Over 10,600 different wines and spirits have…
September 28, 2021
LIVE Opportunities: Distinct LWINs traded keep on rising

The fine wine market continues to broaden. The number of distinct wines traded so far this year is ahead of…
September 27, 2021
Regional wine trade: the story so far

The number of wines trading from Burgundy, Italy and the UK in the first nine months of the year has…
September 24, 2021
Liv-ex wins industry award for developing ABV database

Liv-ex wins industry award for developing an ABV database to help increase the efficiency of the supply chain post-Brexit. Yesterday,…