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April 26, 2013

Bordeaux 2012: all about price

The chart below shows how prices have dropped for the 2012 vintage against current 2011 prices  (the anomaly in grey…

April 25, 2013

Margaux follows Mouton

Today Margaux became the third First Growth to release its 2012. Its ex-negociant price is €240 per bottle, the same…

April 24, 2013

Bordeaux 2012 release recap

The last few days have seen a flurry of Bordeaux 2012 releases, including First Growths Lafite Rothschild and Mouton Rothschild….

April 24, 2013


2012年波尔多现正进行得如火如荼,拉菲Lafite Rothschild(前酒商价每瓶330欧元)、小拉菲Carruades de Lafite(100 – 105欧元)和都夏美隆Duhart Milon(53欧元)均在周一发行。这三个酒庄的价格都比去年有所下调,使他们的2012年成为其在市场中最便宜的年份。 以下图表比较了2012年及以往年份价格的差异。拉小拉菲在伦敦的开盘价为1,095英镑,比其2011年便宜了12%,甚至比其某些旧年份更低于半价。而2012都夏美隆则比其旧年份便宜了10%至30%。 拉菲是三个已在二级市场上出售的2012年的其中一员(其他两个是木桐Mouton和'乐王吉尔L'Evangile)。其伦敦报价每箱12×75为3,850英镑,使拉菲2012年的成本不到其2009年和2010年的一半,而比其2011年的价格則便宜了17.5%:  这似乎是一个市场想要买价。 请浏览Liv-ex期酒网页,以了解更多有关2012年价格、酒评分数和意见的全面报道。

April 23, 2013

Lafite 2012 sells through

Bordeaux 2012 is now well underway, with Lafite Rothschild (€330 per bottle ex negociant) (LWIN 10118722012), Carruades de Lafite (€100-€105)…

April 19, 2013

Lynch Bages 2012 releases at €60

Yesterday’s blog showed that Mouton Rothschild 2012 is currently the cheapest Mouton vintage available. Today’s chart for Lynch Bages (L-WIN…

April 18, 2013

Mouton releases at €240

The En Primeur campaign stepped up a gear when Mouton Rothschild 2012 (L-WIN 10135442012) released at €240 per bottle ex-negociant today….