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Fine Wine Market

March 11, 2024

Glass half full or half empty?

The Liv-ex March Market Report has been published exclusively for members on our Silver package or above. The following is…

March 11, 2024

March Market Report

Image says "Liv-ex Market Report, a brief summary of trade on the secondary market over the past month".

March Market Report March 11, 2024 Share this article | Print this article Table of Contents Introduction Glass half full…

March 6, 2024

Promontory 2019 pricing analysis

In-depth analysis of the latest offers on the exchange

What’s happening in the market? Decent volumes of Screaming Eagle, Cabernet Sauvignon, Oakville 2021 changed hands yesterday propelling it onto…

March 4, 2024

Ornellaia 2021 pricing analysis

What’s happening in the market? Burgundy led trade over the weekend, taking 35.8% of total trade by value. The boost…