Recent trading activity
Bordeaux regained the lead in trade, accounting for 38.7% of the total. Petrus 2019, Château Léoville Las Cases 2016 and Château La Gaffelière 2019 were among the wines in demand.
After yesterday’s update on Italy’s declining market share, a 100-point score for Sassicaia 2019 by The Wine Independent, coincided with further trade for the wine. It is currently the top-traded Italian wine year-to-date.
There was also a burst of trade for Piedmont, centred around Giacomo Conterno Barolo Monfortino Riserva 1996 and Reanto Ratti Barolo Marcenasco 2018.
The best-performing wines of the Left Bank 200

In recent months, several updates have touched on the subject of demand for Bordeaux ‘on’ vintages.
Despite this, the Bordeaux indices continue to rise slowly, especially in the face of the ferocious pace being set by the Burgundy 150 or Champagne 50. Only one Bordeaux index, the Right Bank 50, has risen by double figures year-to-date.
Nonetheless, they are rising and one index that is worth examining is the Left Bank 200. Up 6.5% year-to-date, it is the second best-performing sub-index behind the Right Bank 50 (10.5%) this year and going back the last two years it is consistently out-performing its Right Bank 100 and Second Wine 50 counterparts.
Over the past two years, all of the 20 wines that comprise the index have risen in value, with Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste seeing the smallest rise (up 8.4%) and Château Ducru-Beaucaillou the greatest (29.3%).
Both Ducru-Beaucaillou and Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande have been the index’s best-performers over the last two and three years.
Château Léoville Las Cases has risen 24.6% on average over the last two years. All three estates have out-performed the Left Bank 200 which is up 17.6% in the same period.
This year, the top-traded vintages of Ducru-Beaucaillou have been: 2009, 2019 and 2016. For Pichon Lalande 2019, 1996 and 2016 and for Léoville Las Cases 2016, 2019 and 2001.
Opportunities to buy Bordeaux

There are over 5,000 LIVE opportunities for Bordeaux on the exchange, that can be further filtered by sub-region, colour and vintage.
Liv-ex analysis is drawn from the world’s most comprehensive database of fine wine prices. The data reflects the real time activity of Liv-ex’s 600 merchant members from across the globe. Together they represent the largest pool of liquidity in the world – currently £80m of bids and offers across 16,000 wines. Independent data, direct from the market.