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LIVE opportunities: Champagne – putting some fizz into the festivities

By September 30, 2020Bronze, Fine Wine Market, Market Updates

There is never a good time to mention it, but time waits for no-one. End of year festivities are upon us. The Autumn festival begins tomorrow, Halloween soon follows, then a US election, The Melbourne Cup (the race that stops a nation, if you hadn’t heard), Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and finally…..New Year’s Eve. And just when you might think it is safe to crawl under a blanket, Chinese New Year looms large in mid-February 2021.

There are many ways to prepare for such relentless celebrating (cod liver oil anyone?), but having some fizz on hand is absolutely fundamental. Just ask Noel Coward, Mark Twain, John Maynard Keynes, Winston Churchill, Marlene Dietrich or Napoleon Bonaparte, all of whom swore by it and are forever quoted as a result. I will spare you.

Rather less romantic than evoking the musings of these famous characters are the cold hard facts. Champagne accounts for £4m of LIVE action on your exchange. It has a bid-offer ration of 1, meaning the value of bids and offers is perfectly matched. The region’s market share has built quietly over the years and sits steady this year at 8.7%. In terms of performance the Champagne 50 is the best performing regional index YTD – up 5%. So what is not to like?

The link takes you to a spreadsheet highlighting some of the £2m of LIVE champagne offers to be found on your Exchange. Are you ready to celebrate? Just the one quote perhaps……..

“Champagne makes you feel like it’s Sunday and better days are just around the corner” – Marlene Dietrich.