After a relatively successful 2016 campaign, the UK’s leading merchants’ En Primeur sales halved to £45 million this year, while the average sterling release price of the 2017s dropped 11.8% from 2016. Volumes sold fell by 60%. The sales balance was focused heavily toward ‘winners’ such as First Growths and popular brands, while the majority struggled and will weigh heavily on the market for years. On the whole there was a reluctance to pay close to 2015 prices for wines considered to be around or below 2014 in quality.
Today, Liv-ex has published a concluding report on this year’s campaign. We consider:
- Critical reception of the vintage
- Merchant sales this year
- Which wines worked, and which have been left unsold
- A build-up of wine in Bordeaux
- Increasing tension between the primary and secondary markets
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