James Suckling has started to release scores on Bordeaux 2017. In his report on the Right Bank, posted today, he suggested that it is “by no means the great 2015 or 2016, but neither is it the weak 2013.”
Due to a number of weather issues, most notably the spring frosts, Suckling predicted that the vintage will be “a great terroir year, where the properties with the best vineyard sites made the best wines.” He reports that some of the top estates have made some outstanding quality wines, whereas others have made some “below-par wines”.
This assessment is based on tastings of the Right Bank. His tastings of the Left Bank are currently underway.
A selection of his top scores are shown in the table below. You can also view scores on Liv-ex’s critic scores page, which will be updated as more are released.
To read the full report on JamesSuckling.com, please click here.
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