A lot has changed since 2010. Back then, Bordeaux accounted for over 95% of value traded on the secondary market. The five First Growths dominated: In some weeks, this narrow group of wines represented more than half of all market activity.
Since then, the market has broadened considerably. The chart above shows that the number of different wines trading has been on the up over the last ten years.
Last year, 4,396 individual wines – accounting for both wine and vintage – traded, an increase of 27% on 2015 and up a staggering 167% on 2010. First Growth trade share has dropped to 26% by value. The market is, quite clearly, no longer so narrowly focused.
About LWIN
LWIN – the Liv-ex Wine Identification Number – is a unique identifier for the fine wine trade. Just like ISBNs in publishing, LWIN standardises the way that fine wines are named. This makes it easier to exchange information between computer systems.
You can find out more about LWIN on the Liv-ex Developers website. A case study is also available, showing how LWIN has helped to transform operations at LCB Vinotheque.
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