Welcome to the November 2016 Liv-ex newsletter
The fine wine indices continued to edge up in October, and the industry benchmark Liv-ex 100 index rose for the eleventh consecutive month. Strong performers this year include a number of Bordeaux 2014s, which will be fresh in the minds of the London trade following the UGC event in the middle of the month.
The second part of our interview with Tim Atkin MW was published in October. You can find out why Tim believes that “South Africa is the most exciting wine producing country in the world” by reading it here.
My Account – new summary page
This month Liv-ex launched a new and improved account summary page. It offers a simple overview of your account, enabling you to find key information at the click of a button.
For example, the net statements & invoices tab enables you to access all net statements for the past two years and the trading activity tab allows you to view all of your open trades.
The Special Now contract is the fastest and most efficient way of trading wine on the Exchange. Cases stored in Vine can be invoiced and transferred instantly – with no physical movement. This enables buyers to acquire stock immediately, and offers sellers the fastest route to payment.
Updates to the contract in October make it easier for you to sell your stock under the Special Now contract. You can now add multiple cases per offer if each case has a valid SIB Passport. Cases without SIB Passports can also be sold as Special Now if a photograph is available.For more information on Special Now, please click here or contact your Account Manager.
HKET interiews James Miles
In June, the Hong Kong Economic Times interviewed Liv-ex Managing Director James Miles. In the
interview, James discusses his personal links to Hong Kong, background as a stock analyst and
interest in wine. James says that he became interested in the possibility of creating Liv-ex after realising that, “the wine market was like a very unsophisticated stock market”.
The full Chinese interview and an English translation can be found on the Liv-ex Blog.
Coming soon – Pricing API
Liv-ex will soon be launching a new Pricing API. It will enable users to receive current and historic data on wide range of price points including Market Prices, best bid, best offer and last traded price. The data returned will be accurate to the pack or bottle size requested and can be displayed in several key currencies: GBP, EUR, USD, HKD, JPY, CHF, SGD.
For further information, please contact [email protected].
Developer forum
Our next developer forum will be held on Thursday November 17th. Aimed at technical leads and independent developers, the forum offers you the opportunity to find out about upcoming API releases from Liv-ex. Contact [email protected] to request an invite.
Thank you for reading
We hope that you’ve found this edition useful. As always, you can keep up to date with developments as they happen by visiting the Liv-ex noticeboard. If you have any feedback or questions on this newsletter, please email [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7062 8788.