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October Market Report released

By October 8, 2012Fine Wine Market

The October Market Report includes:

  • Liv-ex Fine Wine Indices: September stirring
  • Major Movers: St Emilion stars
  • Cellar Watch updates: New functionality
  • Chart of the month: History repeating
  • Final Thought: After the upgrade

Cellar Watch users can log in to access this month's Market Report – and back issues from January 2011 onwards – under the Cellar Tools tab. Those who have not yet subscribed can read the first page of the report here.

We are also inviting all Cellar Watch users to predict the end-of-year level for the Liv-ex Fine Wine 100 Index. The nearest correct guess (to two decimal places) will win a magnum of Montrose 2003. Subscribers can enter the competition here