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Volume of transactions surges 23% YOY

By January 31, 2012Fine Wine Market

Diversity has been a constant theme this month. Demand has spread to all corners of the market, lifting the volume of transactions on Liv-ex from a seven-month low in December to its second-highest level to date. Only October 2010 – when Lafite revealed that its 2008 vintage would feature a Chinese figure eight – overshadowed January in volume terms. Year on year, the number of transactions on the exchange is up 23 per cent.

Transactions on Liv-ex
The number of active markets on Liv-ex (i.e. wines that have both bids and offers placed against them) has also risen dramatically, while bid-offer spreads have tightened. These recent trends all underscore the secondary market's rapid development.   

The Liv-ex Fine Wine 100 and the Liv-ex Fine Wine 50 will be updated tomorrow afternoon. Will the benchmarks turn? Check back to find out.