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Burgundy sets the pace

By January 28, 2012Fine Wine Market

Trade on the exchange has encompassed a broad array of wines this month. As well as the usual bevy of Bordeaux, top labels from Burgundy have made buyers' wish lists and the region has accounted for seven per cent of monthly turnover. Of course, the Burgundy 2010 campaign has been partly behind the region's performance. To a larger extent, however, Burgundy continues to benefit from the general broadening of the market.

With demand now spanning a more varied group of wines, Bordeaux has accounted for just 87 per cent of turnover in January. The table below shows the month's most traded non-Bordeaux brands. As you can see, Comte Vogue has outpaced DRC this month – a signal, perhaps, that more of the region's leading labels are gaining traction in new markets.   

Non-bdx trade