The Liv-ex Claret Chip Index climbed 1.32 per cent last week to close at 448.30 on Friday. The index's rise follows weeks of toing and froing and is its most substantial since mid-January.
Whilst all of the First Growths posted positive returns, it was Latour that led the charge. The vintages of the First that qualify for the index – those that score 95 Parker points and above - rose in value by an average of just over three per cent (benefiting, perhaps, from the excitement generated by the Latour ex-cellar auction in Hong Kong). Latour 2003 and 2001 saw the most notable price growth and recorded increases of 5.15 and 4.53 per cent respectively.
The chart below shows the individual progress of the Claret Chip's constituent brands since December 2010. Will the index maintain its upward momentum?
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