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Parker proclaims 2009 Bordeaux ‘historic’

By April 28, 2010Critic Reviews

Robert Parker's notes for Bordeaux 2009 are now out – and they're big.

Parker states that "for some Médocs and Graves, 2009 may turn out to be the finest vintage I have tasted in 32 years of covering Bordeaux". And although the vintage is "not as consistent as 2005… the peaks of quality in 2009 may turn out to be historic".

In total 21 wines have the potential to score 100 points, with nine wines given the shortest possible range of 98-100. All the top wines are listed below. And the notable absences from this score-fest? Mouton Rothschild (96-98+) and Ausone (95-97+).

We will be back on the blog with a fuller analysis later today.

The wines with a (*) next to their name are those he judged to have the "finest potential of all the offerings I had ever tasted from that estate in nearly 32 years of barrel tasting samples in Bordeaux".